corn on the cob

[kɔ:n ɔn ðə kɔb]
  • 释义
  • (煮食的)老玉米,玉米棒子;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    Past flavors included broccoli casserole, corn on the cob and Brussel sprout.

    JonesSoda公司以往推出的砂锅椰菜味 、 玉米饼味和抱子甘蓝味等饮料就一直深受顾客欢迎.

  • 2、

    The corn on the cob said with confidence.


  • 3、

    And corn on the cob. Are you asking me out?

    还有玉米糊你是在约我出去 吗 ?

  • 4、

    Their dinner that night was hamburgers with potatoes and corn on the cob.


  • 5、

    Don't worry about it. Corn on the cob is never served at formal dinners.

    这是一个伪问题, 正式晚宴上不会出现玉米棒子.

  • 6、

    Yeah. How about corn on the cob?

    好的. 烤玉米怎么样?

    ——超越目标英语 第3册
  • 7、

    This rabbit makes a meal of corn on the cob.


  • 8、

    corn on the cob


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